Bite Back Team hits the 2022 L.A. County Fair: Mosquitoes beware!

The L.A. County Fair is back! After a two-year hiatus, the Fairplex is bringing communities together through interactive and educational experiences.
Our theme this year was Mosquito-Free Gardening with California Native Plants. We received generous help from our public health partners to educate visitors.
List of our partners who made this event a success!
California Botanic Garden
- 32 California Native Plants
Cal Poly Pomona
- For the exhibit space at The Farm
- Special thanks to Craig Walters, Director of Agriscapes, and Lara Amiri-Kazaz, Graduate Student
Theodore Payne Foundation
- California Native Plant seeds
- Plant Guides -- ENGLISH
- Guías de Plantas -- ESPAÑOL
Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
- Fidget spinners
- Reduce Water (ENG).pdf
- Reducir Agua (ESP).pdf
Walnut Valley Water District
- Yo-Yos
- California Friendly Landscaping guides
- Weed and Pest Management Webinar.pdf

The exhibit taught visitors how to create environmentally-sustainable, bite-free yards that will nurture healthy communities.
That's right! The L.A. County Fair was the perfect environment to connect water-wise landscaping choices to keep mosquitoes out with California Native Plants.
Residents already know about mosquitoes 🦟 growing in stagnant water. At the Fair, they learned how to maintain their properties to prevent mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile Virus, an annual risk in Southern California.

Here are the stats for our 2022 L.A. County Fair exhibit:
8,238 residents visited our 4-day pop-up Mosquito-Free Gardening booth🌱
An average of 294 visitors stopped by our exhibit per hour ⌛
35,012 visitors received education during the entire LA County Fair! 🦟

Now we can't forget about out main event: Dez Eez (pronounced like "disease"). Our giant, eye-catching mosquito turned heads during her stay at the Fair. Proudly parked in the Bugs & Bees barn at the Fair, she certainly showed off her information on Aedes mosquitoes.

As expected, our participation at the Fair was a huge success! Our Bite Back Team left the fair with so many positive experiences and connections with our residents. We recieved thoughtful questions and had the opportunity to share our knowledge with booth visitors on how to create mosquito-free gardens.
See our Bite Back Team in action:

See our California Native Plant winners (Donations thanks to the CA Botanic Garden in Claremont):

We are so thankful to our partners who helped make this event possible: Cal Poly Pomona, Theodore Payne Foundation, CA Botanic Garden, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, and Walnut Valley Water District. Thank you to the residents who stopped by our booth & Dez Eez. We are excited to work together to create a bite-free community.
~ The Bite Back Outreach Team

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🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant