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National Mosquito Control Awareness Week

A promotional image for National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, June 16-22, with a close-up of a mosquito and a map. #MosquitoWeek

Sharks get a whole week of programming, but why don't mosquitoes?

Mosquito Control is a Shared Responsibility

To raise awareness and educate the public on the health threats mosquitoes pose to our communities, the American Mosquito Control Association declared June 16 - 22 National Mosquito Control Awareness Week.


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Why Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are the deadliest creature on the planet. They are found on every continent except Antarctica. They thrive in diverse environments and are capable of adapting to different climatic conditions, making them a global concern. Mosquito-borne diseases collectively affect millions of people worldwide every year, causing significant morbidity and mortality.

Infographic on the world's deadliest animals, highlighting deaths caused: mosquitoes (over 1M), humans (475K), snakes (50K), dogs (25K), etc. #MosquitoWeek

Vector-borne Diseases

West Nile virus is the biggest threat to people living in Los Angeles County, including residents in San Gabriel Valley. It is a mosquito-borne virus that has been detected in California since 2003.  WNV is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Mosquitoes become infected after feeding on infected birds that carry the virus.

May contain: advertisement, poster, animal, horse, mammal, and bird

Repel, Don't Swell

Mosquitoes have been around since the dinosaurs, and they will continue to thrive on our planet. One way to keep them from biting is to wear mosquito repellent that works.

An infographic recommending active ingredients in mosquito repellent: Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, DEET, Picaridin, IR3535. #MosquitoWeek

It's all about the Water

Mosquitoes lay their eggs using any stagnant water they can find in your backyard or patio.

Water around your home should be used as soon as possible. Even a teaspoon of water can attract mosquitoes!

It is recommended to TIP out stagnant water weekly and TOSS out unused containers, or store them in a dry covered area. Even a teaspoon of water can attract mosquitoes!

A public service announcement about preventing mosquito breeding by eliminating stagnant water and tossing unused containers. #MosquitoWeek

Male Mosquitoes Don’t Bite

Male mosquitoes only feed on nectar and water. Only female mosquitoes bite and use our blood to produce their eggs. 

Educational graphic stating male mosquitoes don't bite and feed on nectar and water. #MosquitoWeek

Don't Be Fooled

Many insects look like mosquitoes, but they are not! Don’t let crane flies bug you. These “Imposters” are harmless, have short lifespans, and will usually go away in a couple of weeks.   

An image comparing a crane fly (imposter) with a mosquito, emphasizing that the former doesn't bite or transmit diseases, unlike the mosquito.