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蚊子安全意识周 Mosquito Awareness Week (Chinese)

Promotional graphic for Mosquito Week with a mosquito, a map outline, Chinese text, and a logo for San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District. #MosquitoWeek



An infographic about deaths caused by animals, with a focus on mosquitoes, in Chinese. #MosquitoWeek

西尼羅河病毒 (West Nile virus)

西尼羅河病毒是一種在多數情況下感染鳥類的疾病。該疾病是通過蚊子在鳥類中 傳播的。蚊子在叮咬了被感染的鳥後染上該病毒,然後又把該病毒傳染給其他的 鳥類、動物,或人。這些蚊子有時會叮人,但是多數人不會病得很厲害。在某些 人中,西尼羅河病毒可以引起腦炎,或者是腦子腫大。

An infographic showing disease transmission cycle from mosquitoes to humans, birds, and horses, with text in Chinese, and a hashtag #MosquitoWeek.


使用含DEET, Picaridin, IR 3535 或檸檬桉油的驱蟲藥。

A pie chart with mosquito repellent options: DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, and a repellent spray bottle. #MosquitoWeek


蚊子通過在積水中產卵來進行繁殖。蚊子可以在任何過去四天內形成的積水裏進行生長。甚至一小桶積水都可以成為 1,000 只蚊子的窩。

A person pouring water and cleaning a container, with Chinese text related to mosquito prevention. #MosquitoWeek.


雄性蚊子只以花蜜和水為食。 只有雌性蚊子才會叮人

A mosquito graphic with Chinese text, a logo, and the hashtag #MosquitoWeek.


許多昆蟲看起來像蚊子,但其實不是! 這些冒名頂替者是無害的、短暫的,通常會在幾週內消失。

A U.S. quarter with a mosquito and crane fly, highlighting size comparison and #MosquitoWeek, with Chinese text.