Covina, Don't Fall for the Mosquito Trick 🍂
They're back: Pumpkin spiced lattes, sweater weather, and mosquitoes ...

As long as it's warm in the San Gabriel Valley, mosquitoes will continue to thrive in your community.
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?
Only female mosquitoes bite and they use the protein in your blood to create their eggs. Female mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water (ponds, buckets, tires, pots, plant saucers, even plants with leaves that can hold water like bromeliads or lucky bamboo).
Why Are Mosquitoes So Dangerous?
Mosquitoes are dangerous because they can transmit diseases that can make you sick, like Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and West Nile virus.

3 Things You Can Do This Fall To Stay Bite-Free 🍂
You know mosquitoes can complete their life cycle from egg to adult in a week. So eliminate stagnant water weekly in and around the home. Don't forget to keep your pool clean and maintained!

Apply repellent to exposed skin to stop mosquito bites. Look for ONE of the following active ingredients on the LABEL that is safe and effective:
- Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
- Picaridin
- IR3535
We challenge you to educate at least two more people about mosquitoes. The more we understand that mosquito control is a shared responsibility, the more healthy our communities will be!
What is Vector Control Doing for You?
- Continued observation of the mosquito population and vector-borne diseases in the San Gabriel Valley.
- Enhanced neighborhood support and property inspections.
- Door-to-door and community education.