The Deadliest Animal's Worst Nightmare
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
August 31 to September 4

We hope you stayed cool and treated yourself indoors this Labor Day! Mosquitoes need a day off, too.
Speaking of hard work, last week's (August 31-September 4) trap report showed a 67% decrease in mosquito numbers compared to the same week in 2019. Clearly, our efforts to educate fellow neighbors and carry out a weekly Tip, Toss, Protect are sending mosquitoes a message!
Who knew our teamwork was the deadliest animal's worst nightmare?

With this shared responsibility, our combined passion to create safer communities is no match for mosquitoes. Through youth education, resident services, and community-led programs-- San Gabriel Valley is equipped with the best mosquito-fighting tools, and not afraid to use them!
Mosquito numbers decline as West Nile Virus increases
Unfortunately mosquitoes are here to stay, but our joint efforts are only growing stronger.
As West Nile virus continues to move through the region, you may have spotted our team safely inspecting, servicing, or deilvering education material in your neighborhood.
With your dedication and accountability, we thank you for working beside us to provide a safer home for all.
As always, stay bite-free SGV!

West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.