Short Bites Monthly
Your digest for May 2024.

Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.

District Communication

This month, we educated students at L.A. Fair Kids. We engaged students by hosting an interactive display that focuses on Aedes mosquitoes (like Dez Eez ... kinda like "Disease") and mosquito larvae. Many students and teachers told our Outreach Team that it was a very memorable experience at the fair.

Outreach Overview
Mosquito Activity Overview
Our District’s surveillance team reports mosquito trap activity. The purpose of trapping is to monitor mosquito presence and risk of mosquito-borne disease.
This month’s report shows that 2024 trapping (red) is recording lower abundance numbers compared to past years.
This means that mosquitoes are present but that there are not as many at this time compared to years past. With more residents spending time outdoors, remember to wear mosquito repellent every time you're outside to stay bite-free.

Mosquito Species Overview
This month, we conducted mosquito, black fly, and tick trapping throughout San Gabriel Valley.
See this month’s mosquito species report below:

If you’re wondering how to protect yourself from mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks, then wearing repellent with the active ingredient DEET will cover you for all of those bites.

EcoHealth Highlights
Our interactive EcoHealth activities bring science to classrooms. Check out our EcoHealth Vector Education website and see what FREE and NGSS-aligned programs we have for you.

Want to stay in the loop? Sign up for our EcoHealth Newsletter and be informed of professional development opportunities, FREE available NGSS- aligned programs, & the latest teacher resources for you to use in the classroom.
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District Resources to Share

Share our new music video
Sample Copy:
Discover the magic of wearing repellent in the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District's latest music video. Look for ONE of the following active ingredients on repellent bottle labels: Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535.
#SGVmosquito #losrepelentes @SGVmosquito

Communications Department Mission Statement:
Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.
🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant