Mosquitoes Won't Be Taking Time Off This Holiday Season
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
October 19 to 23

Well, well, well. It appears our fall weather has finally arrived! Have you noticed a small dip in mosquito numbers?
Brought to you by our skilled Surveillance team, last week's trap report showed a slight decrease in mosquito populations around San Gabriel Valley. It looks like our joint efforts to keep our communities bite-free have been paying off.

As we approach the holidays, it's vital to keep up all of the great habits that keep mosquitoes away. Remember, the only thing mosquitoes will be celebrating this rainy season is a warm, cozy home with delicious meals inside! And guess what? They're planning on staying for dessert, too.
Make sure to maintain your home's window and door screens, and layer up to protect yourself from a chilly bite.
Aside from keeping your home bite-free, there are ways to spread the safety in your neighborhood!
See anything that might be attracting or breeding mosquitoes? Submit an anonymous tip
Share your knowledge from our educational and engaging social media!
Start a Bite Back Group with your neighbors -- It's your turn to do the biting!
West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.