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More mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus: What you can do

Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd

August 3 to 7

May contain: plot
Dotted line shows three-year average

Welcome to August -- where the sun is sizzling, and mosquitoes are lurking in cool, backyard ivy.

Last week, (August 3-7), two more SGV mosquito samples tested postive for West Nile virus (WNV) by our Surveillance Department. This is the first WNV confirmation of 2020 in West Puente Valley and the city of Rosemead.

While we can expect this number to rise, there are easy ways to combat these pesky insects.

Number of mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus increases in San Gabriel Valley

Since you're all pros now (as displayed in last week's 25% decrease in mosquito populations compared to 2019), we'll leave our fun three-word trick for you to share with someone you care about (HINT: rhymes with "Dip, Doss, Drotect").

Still feeling like there's more that can be done? -- You're right!

Stand up to these ankle-biters. Bite Back!

Stay informed. Track West Nile Virus activity and sign up for email alerts

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Your protection from vectors and vector-borne diseases is our highest priority. Check below for what our team might look like working in your neighborhood!

West Nile Virus Update: Three mosquito samples in San Gabriel Valley tested positive for West Nile Virus so far this year.