Mosquito control officials release music video for mosquito prevention
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week educates residents on preventing mosquito-borne viruses and invasive Aedes mosquitoes
WEST COVINA, Calif., JUNE 24, 2019 – The summer of 2019 kicks off with a music video that may not be a Top 40 hit, but it’s certainly priority public health advice against Aedes mosquitoes – the same type of mosquitoes responsible for Zika outbreaks in the United States.
The San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District (SGVMVCD) joins health officials and cities across the country to promote National Mosquito Control Awareness Week , June 23-29.
The music video “ Don’t Bring Back the Aedes ” educates students and the public about the threats ofAedes mosquitoes in Los Angeles County. The song plays off the similar pronunciation between Aedesmosquitoes and the 80s decade.
Traditional prevention tips against Aedes mosquitoes have not been very effective...we need to cut through the buzz with something different and that's what "Don't Bring Back the Aedes" hopes to achieve.
“Ever since mosquito control officials discovered widespread Aedes mosquito infestations in L.A. County eight years ago, the traditional prevention tips against Aedes mosquitoes have not been very effective,” said Levy Sun, SGVMVCD public information officer. “We need to cut through the buzz with something different, and that’s what the music video hopes to achieve.”
While West Nile virus persists as the biggest threat to residents, vector control officials are also concerned about aggressive, day-biting Aedes mosquitoes . These mosquitoes can transmit Zika virus, dengue fever, yellow fever and chikungunya. There have been no local outbreaks of these viruses in San Gabriel Valley, however the presence of Aedes mosquitoes increases the risk.
Mosquito control experts advise residents take the following steps to bite back against mosquitoes:
- Prevent bites by applying insect repellent containing EPA-registered active ingredients, including DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Always read label instructions.
- Tip and toss all sources of stagnant water on your property, including in flower pots, old tires, buckets, pet dishes and trash cans.
- Install screens on windows and doors, and keep them in good repair.
- Report neglected swimming pools to mosquito and vector control.
- If, after dumping stagnant water, residents continue to experience mosquito problems, they can submit a tip to SGVMVCD at or call 626-814-9466.
In response to year-round mosquito-borne disease threats, SGVMVCD’s programs continue its efforts to reduce mosquito populations.
- Vector control specialists monitor and control for mosquitoes in stagnant water sources in public areas and on residential properties.
- The surveillance staff traps mosquitoes and sends samples of adult mosquitoes to be tested for diseases, such as West Nile virus and St. Louis Encephalitis.
- Outreach and education continue its spring education push in schools and community events to remind everyone to take preventative measures against mosquitoes.
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