Community Programs

Public education through community programs is a vital part of our vector management program. It is very important that we get our message out to as many people as possible so that they can be proactive in protecting themselves, their families and their neighbors from vectors and vector-borne diseases. There are many different ways we work with communities to share information.
Community Fairs
We attend all types of community fairs year round and we have several different displays to accommodate all kinds of events. Our goal is to introduce the general public to our agency so that they know who we are and what services we provide. We always post the event on our website and all of our social media outlets. Please note: We are exclusively tax-payer supported and must budget carefully to attend as many events as possible. Events that waive the vendor fee for government agencies and non-profit organizations will get first priority on our calendar. If you are planning a community fair, we would love to be involved. Please contact our Education Department.
Town Hall Meetings
Town Hall meetings are a great way to discuss community-specific information with the people that need it the most. We are available to conduct town hall style meetings for any community within our District and encourage city officials to include us in their events. In this type of setting we are able to educate residents on issues including West Nile virus and the presence of invasive Aedes mosquitoes and provide answers to questions and address problems that affect them directly. If you would like to host a town hall meeting addressing issues involving vectors and vector-borne diseasein in your area please contact our Education Department.
Community Groups
Do you need a speaker for your next meeting? We provide a variety of presentations to accommodate all types of community groups. We work with a variety of groups including Kiwanis, Rotary, Scouts, gardening clubs, and after school programs. To schedule a presentation or request educational material, please contact our Education Department.