Mosquitoes “fall” in love with LA County

First week of autumn sees continued West Nile virus and mosquito activity
Mosquitoes will continue to bite into pumpkin spice season as the official start to autumn begins September 22, advises the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District (SGVMVCD).
So far in 2022, SGVMVCD reported more than 130 mosquito samples and 5 dead birds that tested positive for West Nile virus in San Gabriel Valley. The native Culex mosquitoes spread West Nile virus to people after biting birds carrying the virus.
Invasive Aedes mosquitoes, also known as ankle biters, will likely continue to bite people aggressively. Historically, Aedes mosquitoes are most active from June to November. The presence of Aedes in Los Angeles County increases the risk of Zika, yellow fever, dengue, and chikungunya outbreaks. To date, there have only been travel cases.
People are surprised mosquitoes are active in the fall. Keep the mosquito repellent nearby and continue tipping out stagnant water weekly.Levy Sun, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & VectorControl District
Mosquito control staff will continue to monitor and control for mosquito-borne diseases. Residents share the responsibility of mosquito control by remaining bite-free and eliminating habitats, such as dense vegetation and stagnant water, that allow mosquitoes to grow and hide.
Tips to stay bite-free

- Tip out stagnant water weekly - Mosquitoes will use stagnant water to lay their eggs. Mosquitoes will grow from egg to adult in about a week.
- Toss unused containers - Forgotten containers left outside can collect stagnant water.
- Protect with mosquito repellent - Pick up a bottle and look for any one of the following ingredients: Oil of lemon eucalyptus (or PMD), picaridin, IR3535 or DEET.