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San Gabriel, Spring into Cleaning, Stops Mosquitoes Biting!

May contain: invertebrate, animal, and insect


Spring showers ☔️ + Warm weather 🌞 = Mosquitoes 🦟

Trim plants for a breezy, sun-filled, & mosquito-free yard! 🌷

Free your home of mosquito-breeding containers and wear repellent 🏡

Warm weather allows mosquitoes to breed, bite, and blossom in our neighborhoods. This is when fatal diseases like West Nile virus can be transmitted to humans.
May contain: pollen, plant, anther, flower, blossom, and petal

San Gabriel, Let the Spring (Mosquito) Cleaning Commence 

As springtime grows around us, the crisp outdoors are blossoming to life-- mosquitoes included. 🦟 Keep mosquitoes and their diseases out of your home with 3 easy tricks.

May contain: mosquito, animal, invertebrate, insect, spider, and arachnid

 1. Tip and Toss Stagnant Water Weekly

Did you know that mosquitoes need 7 days in water to grow into biting adults?

Scan your yard each week for water-capturing containers and tip them out! 💦



2. Use Repellent

Enjoy your spring festivities, like walking at Smith Park, without worrying about getting bit outside.

There are only 4 repellents recommended by the CDC! 🌼

One mosquito bite can allow a mosquito to lay over 200 eggs at a time! 🥚

3. Spark Some Spring Inspiration 

Create a healthy community for yourself, and your loved ones.

Gather your neighbors and join us in Biting mosquitoes Back in your community!

Bite Back Neighborhood logo


Let's tackle the mosquito threat by Spring cleaning stagnant water sources before they become a problem. Have a bite-free spring in San Gabriel Valley and "May the 4th" be with you!

Did you tune into the Bite Back Tour stop of San Gabriel? If not, here's what you missed:

Assemblymember Ed Chau represents the city of San Gabriel and shares an important message regarding mosquito safety to residents: